Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant 2024/2025

This is a preview of the Elsa Dixon Application Form 2024/2025 form. When you’re ready to apply, click Fill Out Now to begin.

Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant


The Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant (EDAEG) is an initiative of the NSW Government to encourage job opportunities and career advancement for Aboriginal people.
The aim of the program is to promote diversity, innovation and service responsiveness in the NSW workforce by reducing barriers to employment and promotion for Aboriginal people.


Who can apply for funding?

The EDAEG provides funding to organisations (not individuals) to support Aboriginal education, employment and training.

Organisations applying for funding under the EDAEG must be registered, based in NSW and provide services within the State. To be eligible, organisations must be a:

▪ NSW public service agency; or

▪ NSW local government authority operating under the Local Government Act 1993

Grant Elements

  • School-based Apprenticeships and Traineeships (SBAT) – $10,000 one off payment to support school-based apprenticeships and traineeships.
  • Post School Element – up to $30,000 (Part-time or Full-time Employment Status) to support the continuation of employment for a learner who successfully completed a High School Certificate (HSC, Year 12) requirements from the year 2022 to the present day.
  • Aboriginal Adult Apprenticeships and Traineeships (AAAT) – up to $40,000 to support the creation of employment of an apprenticeship or traineeship. Learners must be a minimum 21 years of age to be eligible.
  • Permanent Ongoing Employment – up to $40,000 to support the creation of permanent employment.

Note: SBAT, Post School and AAAT Learners must be engaged in an Apprenticeship or Traineeship, established under the Apprenticeship and Traineeship Act 2001, to obtain this grant.

Further Information

For more information on the Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant or if you require assistance, Please Contact:

Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant Team

Email: TSNSW.EDAEG@det.nsw.edu.au

Phone; 13 28 11

Our Guidelines: Elsa Dixon Aboriginal Employment Grant (nsw.gov.au)